Already missing those Los Angeles sunsets.
Alfred's Tea Room
One last stop at Alfred’s on our way out of town. Side note: Blush and chartreuse is my all time favorite color combo. My senior thesis collection when I attended Parsons was comprised of this very color palette and I’m still not tired of it.
A Louis Vuitton Experience
Made a point to take a little break from opening our Los Angeles store to explore the Louis Vuitton X Exhibition on Rodeo Drive.
A Dreamy Bedroom
My bedroom shelves at my parent’s house in Dallas are still filled with a few of my favorite books like “The Secret Garden”, original plush Disney “Bambi” animals, my Grandmother’s oil pastel paintings of cats, vintage Barbie dolls and old photographs of me visiting Disneyland over the years. Just a few things that will always make this place feel like home.
Dior: From Paris to the World
Snuck away to Dallas this week to see the beautiful Dior show. I’ve been watching this exhibit tour from Paris to London through other museum goer’s images on social media for years. So happy to finally see it in person for myself, everything was so dreamy. My favorite part had to be the pretty selection of muslin rough drafts, one step away from being re-made in their final fabric selections. Reminds me of my days as a fashion design student at Parsons.